Terms of Use


Please take time to review the following Terms of Use associated with programs, products, and services offered and owned by Life Track Consulting, LLC, (an Alabama Limited Liability Company), including transactions and all websites associated with our company’s brand.


Our company provides educational information by sharing the owner’s personal and professional strategies, opinions, methods, and experiences. Your access and participation are voluntary. By visiting our websites, you agree and understand that content and strategies are made available to you solely for informational purposes to support and enhance your personal and professional development.


Revisions to Terms of Use may be made whenever our company deems necessary. It is your responsibility to remain aware of updates and revisions by checking the page periodically. Using our websites to register for, access, or purchase programs, products, and services confirms your acknowledgement and acceptance of the Terms of Use and any revisions to follow (whether you have been notified about them or not). If at any time you choose not to accept the Terms of Use as written, please refrain from using our company’s websites, programs, products, and services.


  1. Responsible Use:

By visiting our websites, you affirm that you are over the age of 18 or are an emancipated minor willing to adhere to terms, conditions, and obligations set forth in the Terms of Use or any written contractual agreement and applicable laws. You further agree to only use our websites for intended purposes and will not attempt to engage in any activity that is illegal, fraudulent, or harmful. You must not collect (automated or otherwise), use, or publish any data from our websites or distribute material that consists of or is linked to a computer virus, spyware, or any other malicious computer software. Any use that causes damages or interference with accessibility, availability, or performance of our websites, programs, products, or services is also strictly prohibited.


  1. Electronic Communication:

You acknowledge and accept the Terms of Use when using our company’s websites and other means of electronic communication such as emails and text messages. The primary language of communication is English.


  1. Privacy:

You may be required to provide demographical and personal information as part of our registration and follow up process. We are committed to protecting your privacy. You agree that any information you provide will always be accurate, correct, and current. Any emails or texts sent from our company will only be in connection with the provision of agreed upon programs, products, or services.


  1. Intellectual Property:

You accept and acknowledge that all content and materials available on our websites related to our programs, products, and services are subject to copyright, trademark, patent, or other proprietary rights and laws. Our company owns and controls all intellectual property displayed on our websites and relayed in our service programs. Any unauthorized use or distribution of intellectual property, proprietary concepts, and materials, by you or your representatives is strictly prohibited. Unless our company gives you written authorization, you are not permitted to use, copy, download, alter, reproduce, display, distribute, embed, sell, or monetize any concepts or materials from our websites or service programs. To request written permission from our company for commercial use of materials on our websites or in our service programs, see Contact Information. You are permitted to view, download, and print pages from our websites for your personal use as authorized in accordance with the Terms of Use. If the Terms of Use are violated in any manner, our company will pursue legal action to protect its rights.


  1. Refund Policy:

Program, products, and services may or may not offer a refund. Please reference information contained in the order form or client agreement provided at the time of sale.  Please see Contact Information if you are unsatisfied with the purchase of any program, product, or service.


  1. Third Party Property:

The Terms of Use apply to our websites and not third-party hyperlinks or references that may be included on our websites. We do not endorse or take responsibility for third-party property. You acknowledge that under no circumstances will our company be held liable for any loss or damage, in whatever manner, however caused, by your use of goods or services or by your disclosure of personal information to third-party companies. Only third parties with permission from our company are permitted to be referenced on our websites. To request written permission from our company for inclusion of third-party information, see Contact Information. These Terms of Use do not apply to your use of unaffiliated sites to which any of our websites may link you to or direct you to.


  1. Restricted Access:

We reserve the right to restrict, change, disable, suspend or discontinue access to parts of our websites or entire website access, temporarily or permanently, without notice or liability to you or any third party. As such, you will not be entitled to payment or compensation for features that are no longer accessible. You are responsible for any activity on our websites due to failure of keeping your password confidential and liable for any losses arising out of such a failure.


  1. User Content:

In these Terms of Use, your submission of content to our websites, (including, without limitation, text, images, audio material, video material and audio-visual material), allows and grants our company a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, adapt, publish, translate and distribute your content in any existing or future media. You also allow and grant our company the right to sub-license these rights and the right to bring an action for infringement of these rights. By submitting your content on our websites, you warrant and represent that your content will comply with these Terms of Use. We reserve the right to edit or remove any material submitted to our websites, stored on our servers, hosted, or published on our websites.


  1. Warranties and Liabilities:

All programs, products, services, content, and related materials included in or available through our websites is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. Content is provided without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, as to the availability, accuracy, reliability, or completeness. We make no warranty that:

  • That websites, programs, products, or services will meet your requirements
  • That the quality of websites, programs, products, or services purchased will meet expectations
  • That content is free of viruses or other harmful components

Under no circumstances will our company be liable for damages (whether direct or indirect) incurred by you or any third party as a result of your use of or access to information on our websites. Our maximum liability for all damages arising out of or related to programs, products, or services marketed or sold through our websites, regardless of which form of legal actions are pursued will be limited to the total price paid by you to purchase such programs, products, or services. Such limit will apply in aggregate to all claims, actions, and causes of action of any kind.


  1. Disclaimers:

You alone are responsible for any outcomes or results of your decision making (whether positive or negative). Your level of success in attaining results depends on several factors, including your personal efforts, actions, skills, awareness, dedication, abilities, etc. You agree and understand that our company, by law, does not and will not make any guarantees regarding outcomes or results based on your voluntary participation in our programs, products, or services.

Content and materials displayed on our websites is not meant to constitute legal, financial, medical, or mental health advice of any kind. Nothing contained on our websites is intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any medical or mental health condition or disease. Our company recommends consultation with a licensed and qualified professional in all matters related to physical and mental health, especially if experiencing symptoms that may require diagnosis and treatment. Our company nor our agents or affiliates will be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages that may result, including, but not limited to- economic loss, injury, illness, or death.


  1. Indemnification:

You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless, our company, its employees, contractors, officers, directors, and affiliates, from all liabilities, claims, damages, losses, and expenses, including attorney’s fees, that arise from or are related to your misuse of our websites or violation of these Terms of Use.


  1. Breaching Terms of Use:

Without prejudice to our other rights under these Terms of Use, if you breach these Terms of Use in any way, we may take such action as we deem appropriate to deal with the breach, including temporarily or permanently suspending your access to our websites, contacting your internet service provider to request they block your access to our websites and/or bringing legal actions against you.


  1. Governing Law of Jurisdiction:

These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Alabama.


  1. Contact Information:

If you have questions about the Terms of Use, contact us using the following information.

            Name: Life Track Consulting, LLC

            Email: [email protected]

            Our Websites: www.lifetrackconsulting.com and www.natashashumpert.com 


These Terms of Use were last updated – October 2023